About OzLED Group
Our Mission
At OZLED we are committed to achieving the highest possible standard of LED lighting related products & services in a timely and cost-effective manner.
We will operate our business in a professional and responsible way, which will reflect our commitment to the continual improvement of the products & services we provide to our customers, our respect for the environment, and the health and safety of our employees.

OzLED Group Leadership

Andrew Basevi
Managing Director - OzLED Group | Kibal Group

Bryce Thompson-Clive
Group Operations Manager
OzLED Group

Tyler Boyle
Business Development Manager
OzLED Group
OzLED Group
Founded in 1979
As Australia’s local and international markets and its economy have flourished, so has demand for high-level services across all sectors of the country’s infrastructure. In the constantly changing emergency services industry, OzLED has built a reputation for being reliably responsive and pro-active, understanding the often complex needs and expectations of Emergency services and related industries.
Over the years the company has shown an exceptional pattern of growth in key areas throughout the country. It has a proud record of success in a challenging market. The constant acceptance of new technology triggered the name change in 2005 to OzLED Pty Ltd.
Our Core Philosophies
Our key philosophies can be summarised in the following two statements:
OZLED SALES – “To continually increase customer satisfaction through excellence in customer service & product quality”
OZLED SERVICE – “Trusted to deliver excellence”
Our quality system is designed to ensure this happens. We will comply with all relevant legislative requirements of Australian and Local Authority Standards (including ISO 9001:2008).
We will continually assess our performance against the processes we have created and look for ways to enhance our success.
We will encourage participation in the system by all employees and suppliers to ensure that everyone’s efforts assist our objectives.
SoundOff Signal
In 2008, OzLED Group secured the sole Australian / NZ distributorship for SoundOff Signal, which are a manufacturer of high quality LED warning lights. Their manufacturing facilities are based in Hudsonville, Michigan and they are, without doubt, the leaders in their field.
To further compliment the SoundOff Signal range, we also secured the Australian Distributorship rights for 8EVP who are based in Taiwan. They offer a great range of complimentary products of the highest quality.
BASE6 & Labcraft
2013 saw the launch of our own brand “Base6”, an extensive range of quality LED lighting for every industry and every application. Developed incorporating years of research and hands on experience selling and fitting LED lighting, Base6 was the logical progression for our continually expanding company and a way to provide better quality lighting for ourselves and our customers.
Not content with having the leaders of LED warning products on board, we identified the next step in our growth was to also seek a quality manufacturer of LED work & scene lighting. In 2014 we were appointed the Australian Distributor for Labcraft. Labcraft are located in the UK and manufacture & design all of their products from their Essex based manufacturing facility.
The Alignment of Companies
In January 2018 OzLED purchased Superior Terminals, who are the sole Australian Distributor for USA based manufacturer NSPA (nspa.com)
NSPA specialise in the manufacture of sealed crimp connectors out of their Florida based manufacturing plant. They also offer solder, crimp & solder and copper battery lug connectors.
November 2020 saw the acquisition of Continuity Harness & Loom, who manufacture a complete range of wiring looms and harnesses. It also meant that we added a more comprehensive range of cable and connectors to our product range.
This then saw the birth of the OzLED Group in May 2021. We can now offer a comprehensive range of LED Lighting, Cable, Terminals & connectors, all out of our Brisbane based facility.